Today has been a whirlwind of emotions. I dont know if Im happy or sad or agitated. Its rare for me to feel this way, but I hate it. My lip feels better. My body feels better. I am amazed because I only got a few hours of sleep. My appetite has been strange lately. I didnt have dinner these past two nights. If you know me at all, you know thats unusual. Its been a roller coaster of a day already and I am not even done with work. I have mixed emotions happiness, guilt, restlessness, sadness, anxiety. I cant explain it. I cant even comprehend it myself. Candy, too much candy today, too much sugar.

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"Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk."

sasaka 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Apr 06 Mon 2009 23:32
  • Hmm~

A few of my friends have gotten married over the past few years. It's a weird feeling knowing that you are getting older. A friend of mine is pregnant already and I still feel like it's too soon, even though in actuality it is a normal time for them to have kids. I went to my elementary school reunion this year and it was strange. It was nice seeing everyone again but it was weird because it feels like everyone is at a different stage in their lives. Some already have a few kids and have a wonderful family. Others are just now figuring out what they want to do with their life and are in school or training for a specific job. There are some that still don't know what they want to do, which I think is perfectly normal. I can't expect myself to know what I want to do with the rest of my life when I'm 29 years old. The future looks good, but with everything going on right now the economy, wars, etc., it's hard not to be worried. I am trying to keep in touch through MySpace and Facebook, but even that is getting hard these days.

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